Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts

Secure your Private Browsing with a Password - Android

In a fast moving world, we come across so many insecurities. Mostly we are threatened through t he internet. Whenever we want to know something, we directly browse the internet. We browse so many browsers like websites and other business purpose portals that can be personal or official; we prefer to make our browsing history private. We will never want anyone else seeing it. For this purpose we use the private browsing mode.

Using the private browsing mode has both its advantage and disadvantage. For example, it will never save the browsing history, this is one good thing but at the same time, it will be disadvantageous when you want the link, website or any pages we browsed earlier for a later use. So this option is not a successful one. To maintain a browsing history and also at the same time to secure it from others, the option is encrypting it with a password. But is it possible? The good news is, yes! Android users can encrypt the browsing history with a password.

Now, all the android users can secure the browsing history from others not witnessing it and have a safe browsing. This will help you store the history for a future need and also only the person who knows the password can see it. So, you will not have to fear on someone reading your browsing history without you granting permission. Come on let’s see how to get it done.

Secure Private Browsing with Password

Firstly, get the Samsung Internet browser app directly from google playstore to your android device.
If you already have the app, then update it, as the encrypting with password is available only in the latest version.

Next launch the app and open it. In the home screen you will see three dots menu on the top. Press it and you will notice a list of options. Proceed with the next steps to continue.

Then Click on the setting option from where all the settings can be set for your browser.

Now, press the privacy settings option. Here you can set all the privacy and private browsing settings.

Next, you will see the secret mode security option. Click on it. Then you have to toggle the switch to set the password protection of the browsing. Now you can set a password and save the settings mode.

Thereafter, whenever you need to browse the private browsing, you have to enable the secret mode and enter the password and then start up with your browsing.

So you can download samsung internet browser directly from google playstore to your android smartphone by Clicking here.

Now this will help you secure your private browsing history with no fear of being breached. Just follow the few steps mentioned above and get your new app that will secure all your private and important browsing that you do daily. Hope you got benefited reading this.

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